Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Last Weekend Roundup

2008-11-24 4:58:28 am

Whew, it's been a busy few weeks. I was pretty exhausted for most of last week, but Em and I did watch a bunch of movies last Sunday to celebrate the new TV. Instead of watching special effects heavy movies like Iron Man or Transformers we went in the opposite direction and watched a pair of romantic comedies. Not exactly my usual, but I did enjoy both flicks.

The first was a movie that had been sitting near our TV for a few weeks along with Drop Dead Gorgeous which Em borrowed from her friend Lee (hey Lee). It's called The Sweetest Thing (2002) and stars Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, Selma Blair, Jason Bateman and The Punisher, er, Tom Jane. I'll be honest, it's been over a week and my memory's definitely fuzzy, but basically Diaz falls for Tom Jane in a club and then tries to go after him at what she thinks is her brother's (Bateman) but is really Jane's. Plot-wise, it's a pretty standard romantic comedy, but it's the flourishes that make this a pretty good flick. Diaz and Applegate have some pretty over the top scenes and they often sneak into annoying territory with their catch phrases and Diaz's mugging for the camera. But all in all, if you've got to watch a RomCom, it's a pretty good one.

We also checked out Run Fatboy Run (2007) which also falls into the romantic comedy genre and follows a lot of the standard tropes, but I'm a big Simon Pegg fan and David Schwimmer did a great job directing him, Hank Azaria and Thandie Newton. Pegg plays a dude who ran out on his pregnant fiance (Newton) on their wedding day. Now it's five years later, they've got a kid, he works as a security guard at a clothing store where he runs down bra-stealing trannies and Newton's dating the super succesful Azaria who likes to run marathons. Pegg realizes how big of a mistake he made and now wants to made good by showing people (mostly her, his kid and himself) that he can run a marathon in England (where he lives).

What I do like about RFR is that, even though it is kind of paint by numbers, Schwimmer uses a few different colors than you might expect. Like a lot of other RomComs, we see that Azaria's maybe not the greatest guy and we do feel good when Newton finally realizes this. But, and this is a SPOILER at the end, after Azaria's out of the picture and Pegg's proven he's a good dude, it's not like he and Newton just fall in love again. I appreciate that.

So far, I haven't seen Pegg in anything that I didn't like, except for the flick that he co-starred with Schwimmer in called Big Nothing which really didn't do anything for me. He's even the reason I'm looking forward to Star Trek, though now that I've seen the previews, that movie is really making me want to see it, so kudos to the marketing team.

Yeah, I know romantic comedies probably aren't what you expected to read about in this first post after a slow week, but I'm trying to catch up on what I read and watched over the week. Until next time...

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